

I have here some useful links. (En)
This is the main site of the Blender Foundation. Blender is an Open Source and very powerful 3d package, with many features. (En)
The (more or less official but legendary anyway) International Blender Community Site. This is the biggest community site around blender, and a supportive one.

blendpolis (De)
This is a great blender community site (with german as main language), and a good place to learn more about blender, and/or solve your problems (not only blender related). Blendpolis is one of the best and most supportive forums ever. And I just love to spend my time there. :) . (En)
This is the website of the yafray developement team. Yafray is an open source and very powerful stand alone raytracer. (En)
Another great tool independent cg community site. It is really huge, and a good place to meet people, learn from each other, share ideas. Check it out ! .)

selfhtml (De)
This is the site of the selfhtml project. If you are new at html, web coding this is a really good place to start. At least it was and still is for me.