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The second largest settlement in Tolna Country with a population of nearly 20,000. It came into existence at one of the most favourable crossing points int he one-time marshy valley of the River Kapos, at the meeting point of three countries.
In Roman times it was a major roadside settlement, centuries later a royal estate. Int he Middle Ages it became the propertly of the Dombay family, who gave their name to the city. Their castle was first mentioned in a document from 1313. As the last descendant of the family, János Dombay died without and heir, the estate came into the possession of the Werb?czis, the widow beign a Werbõczi girl. The renowned jurist István Werb?czi's seminal work, Tripertium, was written within the walls of the castle. During the Turkish occupation the minstrel, Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos wrote his romance 'Jasen and Medea' here at the beginning of the 1700s the castle was destroyed by Imperial troops. From the 18th century it was the estate of the Eszterházy family and a manorial centre. In 1873 it became a railway junction, which proved to be decisive int he further development of the city. The internationally known medicial bath of Gunaras it may the western tourist centre of Tolna Country as well.
Gunaras fürdõ
Helytörténeti Múzeum
1848-as emlékmû
Dombóvári Vár
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